I am a Christian!
I say that with excitement because the reality of my relationship with Christ has brought me to this moment of BEING!
To be alive is an extraordinary thing. To have a mind, and a soul is beyond understanding. Yet here I am!
Thanks for coming to my blog!
Born in rural Pennsylvania, grew up in Houston Texas, still have a drawl. I was an Art Teacher in North Carolina, also prior to that in Special Operations at Fort Bragg as an Illustrator for a Pysops Unit. I have been a business owner, pastored a Church for 10 years, Managed and was an Animal Cop at a rural Pennsylvania Animal Shelter for 15 years. I have had fiction published around the world in small publications. I just retired from being a Nurse for 10 years. Plus I have done a few other things in life.
God has gifted me with many experiences.
I am married to a beautiful soul, wonderful woman, we have been married for 25 years, we have two adult children and 2 grandsons!
God has also gifted me with suffering. This is my Pathography!! Ha!
I have had three primary cancers in past 25 years. I have had over 20 hours of surgery, every treatment you can think of. In 2018 my third cancer came back as a metastasis, so I had radiation, hormone treatments, had to have a heart catherization, Both kidneys blocked with kidneys stones (side effect of treatments) spent 30 days in and out of ERs, ORs etc. Still have side effects from all that.
I still do pulpit support so have been in pulpit for over 20 years.
My gift has been to disciple and help people grow in their faith. I believe we as Christians should all be everyday theologians and be excited and zealous in our daily faith.
So join me on this journey. Life is short! The beauty and magnificence where God have placed us should be celebrated.
We must not only encourage each other but edify each other.
I would love to hear from you. Should you have suggestions for the blog please let me know or if you would just like to converse please email me.
Yours in Christ,