Jean Voronkova contemplates all the regrets people have as they move through the seasons of life to our inevitable death.
Video from Jean Voronkova
#1 Biggest Regret of the Dying
"The 5 things the dying regret really impacted my mind. I've lived a blessed life which I spent worrying about inconsequential things, believing they were most important. I worried about my grades, I worried about what job I would do, I worried about how successful I would be & about how much money I would make. Some people confront the really important s*** much earlier than life. They confront health problems much earlier, death, the loss of loved ones. They understand how important it is to cherish life and the people you love whilst they are still surrounding. I feel lucky to have made it all the way to 40 before contemplating all these things.
0:00 - Why watch this
0:58 - Regret #5
1:54 - Regret #4
2:44 - Regret #3
3:50 - Regret #2
4:39 - Regret #1
5:37 - 8 things to do today so we live life better
If you’d like to read more about The Top Five Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware, here’s the link to this wonderful book - " from video introduction