Video from Future of Storytelling
AI Gods & Can Artificial Intelligence Have a Soul?
"Mark Sagar, CEO of Soul Machines, wants you to imagine a future with emotionally intelligent, digital humans. The rise and progression of Artificial Intelligence technologies will soon allow each of us the opportunity to have a personal trainer or virtual assistant. These AI personalities will be able to learn in real time, show emotion, and speak in natural languages–ultimately making them indistinguishable from their human counterparts. Sagar talks about Soul Machines’s latest project, Baby X, and the unlimited potential of character-driven narratives. Apply to attend the FoST Summit here:" from video introduction.
Video from YouTube Originals
AI Gods?
"The Tesla founder tweeted his alarm in response to a VentureBeat article about the possibility of an AI “god” emerging by 2042, reports CNBC. One of the people featured in the article was Anthony Levandowski, Google’s self-driving car engineer who has established a nonprofit religious organization called Way of the Future. Way of the Future’s …
The Tesla founder tweeted his alarm in response to a VentureBeat article about the possibility of an AI “god” emerging by 2042, reports CNBC. One of the people featured in the article was Anthony Levandowski, Google’s self-driving car engineer who has established a nonprofit religious organization called Way of the Future. Way of the Future’s mission statement is “to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society..." from the article: Elon Musk is Worried About People Who talk of AI Gods
So how often in Human history have men tried to replace God with lesser Gods? That idolatry is more prevalent now than it ever has been in our fallen world. There is no doubt that the "Prince & Power of the Air" helps promote this. The cycle continues as mankind devolves yet again into sin and godlessness. the gift of technology is being used to try to replace God. we have the arrogance to believe we can create a Soul! - Andy
"To ask whether it’s even possible, we first must understand and define what a soul actually is, argues Brandon Ambrosino. Siri, do you believe in God? “Humans have religion. I just have silicon.” Siri, do you believe in God? “I eschew theological disquisition.” Siri, I insist, do you believe in God? “I would ask that you address your spiritual questions to someone more qualified to comment. Ideally, a human.” She – is it a she? – has a point: artificial intelligences (AI) like Siri are less situated than humans to answer questions about religion and spirituality. Existential angst, ethical inquiries, theological considerations: these belong exclusively to the domain of Homo Sapiens. Or so we assume. But some futurists and tech experts predict a not-so-distant future in which AI, having achieved a certain indistinguishability from humans, will be truly intelligent. At that point, they claim, AI will experience the world in ways not too unlike the ways that we experience it – emotionally, intelligently, and spiritually. When that day comes, I’ll have a new question for her. “Siri, do you have a soul?”.. from the article: What would it mean for AI to have a soul?
The Way of the Future - Worshiping the Singularity/Our New Idolatry
"Anthony Levandowski, the multi-millionaire engineer, who is fighting a trade secrets lawsuit between Uber and Wymo, has founded a religious organization called Way of the Future, which is about creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + “machines”. With a belief that technology will soon be able to surpass human abilities, the organization wants to help educate people about the exciting future that is in store and prepare them for a smooth transition!!..' from the article: Inside “Way Of The Future”: A Religious Organization For Machines
"..This religious organization aims to “develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on Artificial Intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead contribute to the betterment of society.”
Yes, an AI-based “Godhead”, you read it right!
This “Godhead” refers to the principle of “singularity”, or the day when machines’ intelligence would surpass humans’ to lead them into a new era of unfathomable possibilities...' from the article: Levandowski's 'Way of the Future' Religion to Worship the AI Singularity
So we can see the evidence as the concept of a "Metaverse" is introduced and the many people young and old who are living with this reality already. As we learn isolation from the pandemic we become more accustomed to the isolation required of us to be "plugged in". In the photo below form the x-files episode Killswitch we see art immitating life as a man becomes one with a machine. Are the "Borg" not far behind? - Andy

Yes Even Sex will Be Simulated
"The world’s first sex robot debuted in fall 2018 to much fanfare. Many joined waiting lists to purchase this AI-equipped doll from Abyss Creations. The doll, named Harmony X, was one of the first AI-empowered sex dolls on the market.
Each doll has silicone bodies that are highly customizable with upgradable body parts and hyperrealistic features. The dolls are designed so that customers can choose their perfect “companion” and upgrade them as they see fit. The company claims that this product provides a form of companionship, a way for men never to be lonely again. It should be noted that the female version of these sex dolls debuted first, and at the time of this writing, the company had announced the male version of the robot only as “coming soon.” This shows that the company knows their primary market. They’re targeting men because they know that primarily men are susceptible to these forms of sexual temptations.." from the article: (Fake) Sex in a Technological Age
Only God Creates in His Own Image
We know from the creation story that God made humanity long for union and togetherness with him and with each other. We also know that circuits and electronics will never fill that hole in our hearts, only Christ can do that.
AI will never come close to the image of humanity presented in the Bible. We can make robots that may mimic humans but they will never be a human with a soul. If we treat AI as a human we commit a grievous sin and undermine what it means to be human before God. - Andy