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Writer's pictureAndy McIlvain

Antonio Basoli’s Architectural Alphabet

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

In the 19th century, an Italian artist created an architectural alphabet in which letters are depicted as monumental architectural structures. Created in 1839 “Alfabeto Pittorico” (pictorial alphabet) by Antonio Basoli reimagines classical architecture as towering typeface.

If you love fonts and typstyles as fine art then you must see this artists work!

Antonio Basoli’s Architectural Alphabet

Antonio Basoli’s Architectural Alphabet
Antonio Basoli’s Architectural Alphabet

Antonio Basoli’s Alphabet | LearnFromMasters

Video from LearnFromMasters

"August 2020 - LearnFromMasters turns 5 years old today and I’m excited and surprised at the same time that we get so far with it. It’s been a rough year, already over 1 year since the channel was demonetized but somehow I managed to post at least 2 videos every week since then, and I’m very proud about this achievement. Due these strange times, my priorities had changed a little bit and because of this, for the next period I’ll try to post new videos only once a week. On the other hand, I have some good news too. Today we celebrate 5 years of ‘LearnFromMasters' with this special video I made called ‘Antonio Basoli’s Alphabet’, hope you enjoy it (recommend to watch it while drinking a glass of wine, like I did)." from video introduction

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