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Are Cavemen Mentioned in the Bible? (GEN-29) - John Barnett

Writer: Andy McIlvainAndy McIlvain

Video from DTBM

Are Cavemen Mentioned in the Bible? (GEN-29) - John Barnett

"The key to the past history of planet Earth is the Bible.

God's Word is the key that unlocks all the mysterious past events in human history.

The Word of God is the key to opening the vistas of future history for the destiny planet Earth hurtles toward.

Across the face of our world seethes ethnic rivalry, genocide, ancient hatred, religious and regional warfare. Where did the races and nations come from?

Nationalism is rising from the Balkans to the Orient. Terrorists seek to cause concessions to gain independence in the Basque country, Northern Ireland, Palestinian areas, and other places. How did all this start? Genesis 10 gives us the birth of the nations. So, the Bible is the key to the present, written in God's Word in the past!

Open with me to perhaps the most fascinating chapter in the Bible: The Table of the Nations. It is God’s map of all the human family—the ultimate genealogy. All of our relatives are found in just one chapter of God's Word!

As we review these 32 verses tonight, you will come to the same conclusion I have. Namely, the Biblical explanation of national and tribal origins is far superior to any evolutionary ideas, both morally and genetically. The Bible does not mention “race” at all, only languages, peoples, tribes, and nations.

The most important difference between groups of men, of course, is not skin color but language. Only the language barrier could enforce isolation and inbreeding among men, and only such inbreeding could have produced the many distinctive physical characteristics of the different groups.

God created Adam and Eve, the first couple of humans in the History of Earth; they had 2 sons and 2 lines, and God chose one of Abel’s. Only one of Abel’s lines survived the Flood. So God again chose one couple – the Noah’s to start over with, they had 3 sons.

God worked down one line Shem’s to one man – Abraham, through a son of promise Isaac, to a son of election Jacob, to 12 sons of which one was Judah through whom came Jesus the Christ! WOW! God is in charge and directs the affairs of humans who, as they make absolutely responsible choices, do His will.

Now to Genesis 10. As far as the early nations are concerned, the three major groups of nations naturally stemmed from the three sons of Noah. Seventy original nations are listed in Genesis 10, extending to sometime soon after the scattering of the people from Babel.

In general, the Table shows the descendants of Japheth (10:2-5) migrating into Europe, those of Ham (10:6-20) southward into Africa, and those of Shem (10:22-32) remaining in western Asia. Although not certain, it seems probable that the Far East was later settled by certain groups from the Hamitic and Japhetic nations. In any event, there is certainly nothing in either Genesis 10 or Genesis 11 that has been disproved by archaeology.

Origin of Races and Nations The Bible clearly teaches that all present races and nations, tribes and languages, have been derived from Noah’s three sons and daughters-in-law in the few thousand years since the Great Flood.

From this beginning, the development of the present world population has been quite reasonable and conservative. However, it might be questioned whether such extreme variations in physical and linguistic characteristics among different groups of men could develop so rapidly. Presumably, before the Flood, all men spoke the same language and were of the same race. At any rate, this was true of Noah’s family at least.

Several major European royal genealogies can be traced back to Noah's sons and the Table of Nations in Genesis chapters 10-11. This is another crucial piece of evidence that points us directly back to our true ancient history, which is on the order of thousands of years and concur with the Bible's true record of our ancient history.

The best source on this topic is Bill Cooper, of Middlesex, England, wrote and edited "After the Flood" in 1995 after spending over 30 years carefully researching ancient European genealogies. "After the Flood" is a compiled summary of this extensive research, independently verifiable from several national libraries' archives.

(GEN-29; 001001PM)" from the video introduction


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