"How Does Being a Man Impact Being a Father?"
What makes a man a man?
The family has been under attack for many years and with the resulting breakdown dads and moms are diminished and undervalued.
The reality is there are still many good, faithful dads and moms doing all they can to help and support their children and the people around them.
We should take time to thank our dads and moms and express our love and gratitude for them.
A few years ago the Gillette company put out a commercial trying to hold men accountable.
The commercial was widely criticized.
In response, the Egard Watch company put out a video in appreciation of men and what they do.
I thought it worthwhile to run these videos again.
Thank you Dads for all you do!!
What is a man? A response to Gillette
Video from Egard Watches
"A short film - Dedicated to all those who sacrifice everything to make the world safer and better for all of us.
We agree that issues of abuse, sexual assault, domestic violence and bullying are serious issues and stand behind those issues being dealt with and getting the attention they need." from the video introduction
Gillette's 'We believe: the best men can be' razors commercial takes on toxic masculinity
Video from Guardian News
"Jan 2019 The shaving brand Gillette has launched a new ad campaign in response to the Me Too movement. The video urges men to hold each other to a higher standard and to step up when they see fellow men acting inappropriately towards women. The video has received intense criticism on social media with many men calling for a boycott of the brand." from the video introduction
The Father’s Way: When Good Parents Say Yes and No
"The Bible tells us that earthly fatherhood is derived from divine fatherhood. The apostle Paul bows his knee before the Father, “from whom every family [literally fatherhood] in heaven and on earth is named” (Ephesians 3:15). One implication of this basic fact is that earthly parents are to imitate the fatherhood of God. He is the model for our own fathering (and mothering).
In considering God’s fatherhood, parents do well to reflect on the relationships and rules he established in the garden of Eden, and especially on how he uses yes and no.
God’s World of Yes
Recall that God planted the garden in Eden and filled it with trees that were pleasant to the sight and good for food (Genesis 2:9). Then he put the man in the garden to work it and keep it (Genesis 2:15), assigning him a priestly guardianship of God’s garden sanctuary. And then God gave to Adam the moral design of this garden.." from the article: The Father’s Way: When Good Parents Say Yes and No