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Best Evidence for Ancient Machines in Egypt (5,000 Years Old) - Matt Beall

Writer: Andy McIlvainAndy McIlvain

The mystery of how the ancient Egyptians of the ancient Indian cultures produced precision buildings, statutes, and ceramics continues.

Common sense shows us that the tools presented in the archeological record could not produce the many precision works both large and small.

Academic archeology has thus far hidden from any other possibilities.

But many people continue to pursue the mystery.

There is no doubt that many of these items were produced on some type of lathe. If so where then are these machines? None have been found (see video below) with a few exceptions.

The ancient alien claim lacks any credibility.

However, the one caveat that might account for some of the missing technology is the story of the Watchers in the Book of Enoch, see the article link below.

Matt Beall has spent a lot of time and treasure investigating ancient Egyptian vases that are turned on a lathe or some type of precision technology. using CT scans he has measured many vases to reveal amazing precision.

Reproducing them today would be expensive and require computer lathes.

"...The Book of the Watchers contains three main threads regarding the sin of the angels that reflect earlier traditions:

1. Forbidden Knowledge 1: Make-up and Weapons

In one account, the angel Asael[6] descends to earth and teaches forbidden knowledge to women concerning female adornment, which facilitates lust. He also teaches men how to create weapons, which enables war.[7]

8:1 And Asael taught men to make swords, and daggers, and shields and breastplates. And he showed them the things after these, and the art of making them: bracelets, and ornaments, and the art of making up the eyes and of beautifying the eyelids, and the most precious and choice stones, and all [kinds of] coloured dyes. And the world was changed. 8:2 And there was great impiety and much fornication, and they went astray, and all their ways became corrupt.

This knowledge causes sin that must be wiped out in the Flood..." from the article:

Video from Danny Jones

Best Evidence for Ancient Machines in Egypt (5,000 Years Old) - Matt Beall

"Matt Beall collects ancient Egyptian artifacts, hosts the ‪@mattbealllimitless‬ podcast, and is CEO of Bealls Inc.

OUTLINE 00:00:00 - World's largest Egyptian vase collection 00:08:54 - Museums won't research vases 00:13:46 - Evidence of missing Egyptian tools 00:23:02 - Recreating precise Egyptian vases 00:27:19 - Function of precise vases 00:33:48 - Digital scans of vases 00:38:12 - Sacred geometry 00:51:06 - How many ancient vases still exist? 00:52:28 - Israeli defense minister who stole artifacts 00:59:28 - Mysteries of vase handles 01:06:21 - Antikythera mechanism 01:12:22 - Vases measured in royal fingers 01:24:31 - Beall's department stores 01:34:04 - Matt Beall Limitless 01:35:49 - Congressman Tim Burchett 01:38:08 - Knights Templar 01:44:32 - Future of Egyptian vase analysis" from the video introduction

Ancient Lathe Machine Found in Hampi, India - Lost Technology Discovered?

Video from PraveenMohan

0:00 - 500 Years Old Machining Technology 1:31 - First Lathe Machine 2:00 - Recreated Model 4:37 - Oldest Vertical Lathe Machine 5:08 - Advanced Ancient Technology 7:24 - Conclusion

Hey guys, this is the ancient site of Hampi that has been abandoned for at least 500 years, and here we can see this rock that shows solid evidence of machining technology. These perfect circular marks on this rock can be produced only with machines. This process is called facing, and we use the same technology today using lathe machines. It is covered with dirt when I found it, so I cleaned it up. Now, If you look at these circles, they are perfectly concentric and there is no deviation, no chipping in the rock, very similar to modern-day technology. The rectangular slot in the center proves that this rock was machined using lathe technology. So, how was this created at least 500 years ago, at a time when historians claim there was no such technology? Were ancient builders using high-tech machines many centuries ago, just like today? If this is true, we should not only find finished products like this circular rock, but we should also find the entire mechanism that was able to create this finished product. Is it possible that the entire mechanism, the lathe itself can be found in the same area?

Now, if we take a step back and look at the entire picture, it has some very interesting components. It has two posts with circular holes near the top, which obviously means that a cylindrical rod was inserted between them, like this. This is a simple model that I am recreating, which I will show side by side, so you can understand this better. Nearby, we can see a long rectangular slab, with a hole in the center. When I measured the length of the slab, it matched exactly with the distance between the two posts. What does this mean? This means that the slab would fit perfectly between these posts. I am using this green rectangular styrofoam block which represents the slab in my model. So, the setup would look like this.

If a metal tool was placed on this cylinder, pointing downwards, it looks like a modern-day vertical lathe machine. I am going to use a pen for the metal tool in my model. This rectangular slab would be the base plate on which circular rocks could be placed and machined. Here is a simple round object which represents the circular rock and I place it on the rectangular slab, and if I rotate the circular rock, and lower the tool from the top, we can create these identical tool marks. See the similarity of the circles between this model, and the actual rock. My model has not rotated on a perfect axis, so you see that the circles are not as good, but the work of ancient builders was perfect. This setup actually proves that ancient people used vertical lathe technology, at least 500 years ago.

What's even more interesting is that you can see some circular wear and tear on the base plate as well. Look at the base plate, you can see these half-circular marks caused by the rotating objects that were placed on top of it. The other half shows no such tool marks because these marks were created by accident, by friction from the rotating objects placed above. You can see the same marks beginning to form on my model as well.

All these evidences clearly prove that machining technology, specifically vertical lathe technology was used in India, at least 500 years ago, and some archeologists even say this site was built 2300 years ago. So, I think I have just discovered the oldest machining setup, known to mankind, and it is lying in plain sight, abandoned and covered in dirt." from the video introduction


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