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Confronting Christianity's Greatest Threats... Warnings for Every Christian

Updated: Apr 15

Video from Brady Shearer

Confronting Christianity's Greatest Threats... Warnings for Every Christian

"The future of Christianity in the West is at a crossroads. Church attendance has been declining for a decade. While the percentage of people who identify as practicing Christians is also shrinking. So where do we go from here? Here are my thoughts on the greatest threats to our faith - and our options for what to do about them." the video introduction.

All of history is under the divine providence and control of Our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. America's decline like all nations in the past is under his control and observation. Yet we have free will to do good or do evil. As Christians, we know that obedience to Christ is at the center of the Gospel. So we must ask ourselves are we focused on Christ or ourselves and the culture of the moment?" from the video introduction

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