Video from PBS Space Time
Do the Past and Future Exist? How Does God Relate to Us Living within Time?
"Is all that exists just whatever exists right now? Is the past erased and the future a void yet to be filled? Well, the answer lies in between the past and the future - in the elusive, ever-moving eye-blink that we call the present." from video introduction.
This is what our current science thinks about the past and present but what about the Theological view?
Elenore Stump explains how God might relate to time.
Video from Closer to Truth
Eleonore Stump is the Robert J. Henle Professor of Philosophy at Saint Louis University. She received her BA from Grinnell College. She also has two MAs, one each from Harvard and Cornell Universtiy where she also earned her PhD in Medieval Philosophy.
"A great many contemporary thinkers would probably agree with Nelson Pike’s judgement that "A timeless individual could not produce, create, or bring about an object, circumstance or state of affairs," since so doing would temporally locate the agent’s action. [1] Pike’s claim is to be taken in what medieval thinkers called "the composite sense," namely, that what is impossible is a timeless being’s doing what is described; and the objects and circumstances in question must be temporal, since it is easy to conceive of a world in which a timeless being produces (tenselessly) timeless objects. So understood, Pike’s claim does seem to raise a significant problem for the contention that God is timeless. For it is essential to Christian theism that any reality extra Deum is the product of God’s creative activity. So if some temporal object 0 begins to exist at a time t, that event is the result of God’s action of creating 0 at t. Prima facie the phrase "at t" qualifies the gerund "creating," thus dating God’s creative action. But if there is a time at which God acted to create 0, then God’s act has a temporal location. So unless there is some strange way in which one’s acts can be divorced from one’s being, it therefore follows that God has a temporal location, that is to say, He is temporal..." from the article: The Eternal Present and Stump-Kretzmann Eternity