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Examples and Excuses - Francis Chan

Staying focused on Jesus is a difficult task in our strength.

Our culture and the world are structured to distract us into trivial, foolish, and evil pursuits.

Christ and our worship of Him is not a choice among many but the root of all reality.

You only need to look as far as the failure of Atheism, the sin, and death of the so-called sexual revolution, for example, to see that our human attempts to be our god are self-destruction.

In the video below Francis Chan discusses examples of people in the Bible that faced the same temptations and committed the same sins as we do yet were redeemed by the grace of God.

Video from Crazy Love

Examples and Excuses - Francis Chan

"When you look at heroes of the faith, do you ever think there’s no way you could ever be like them? Or look at those who’ve fallen away and think you’ve got no chance of making it? In this message, Francis Chan takes all of our excuses to task and exhorts us to fix our eyes on our ultimate example in Jesus." from the video introduction

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