Exploring the Possible Connection Between the Supernatural and Bigfoot
As Christians we must to discernment.
Discernment however is a lifelong process developed in tandem with The Person of the Holy Spirit and Christ.
We can learn earthly wisdom through experience and maturity but there is a wisdom that only God can give us.
With that in mind let us consider the ongoing debate about "Bigfoot".
Our world has many mysteries that God has not revelead to us or we just don't see or choose not to see.
With discernment we can understand we live in a supernatural world that is partially hostile to us.
There are good forces at work as well as evil forces.
We can see this play out everyday on the news and in our lives.
Ignoring this reality or discounting it makes it no less real.
For those of us who have followed the paranormal and Ufology for many years the discussion that these creatures, whatever they are, manifest both as physical and as spiritual beings is not new.
The evidence for both I believe is longstanding.
Confusion is a weapon of deception and there is mach deception about everything in our world.
With a secular scientific worldview can we ever really begin to understand what is taking place and what we see and experience?
Can we objectively look at things like Bigfoot, UFO's etc. and discern what we see?
The videos below offer some excellent discussions of Bigfoot as a physical creature and possible connections to an interdimensional entity in the likeness of Bigfoot.
The Physical Bigfoot
D. Jeffrey Meldrum, Ph.D.
Professor Anatomy & Anthropology
Dr. Jeff Meldrum is a Full Professor of Anatomy & Anthropology at Idaho State University (since 1993). He teaches human anatomy in the graduate health professions programs. His research encompasses questions of vertebrate evolutionary morphology generally, primate locomotor adaptations more particularly, and especially the emergence of modern human bipedalism. His co-edited volume, From Biped to Strider: the Emergence of Modern Human Walking, Running, and Resource Transport, proposes a more recent innovation of modern striding gait than previously assumed. His interest in the footprints attributed to sasquatch, was piqued when he examined a set of 15-inch tracks in Washington, in 1996. Now his lab houses well over 300 footprint casts attributed to this mystery primate. He conducts collaborative laboratory and field research throughout North America, and the world (e.g. China, Russia), and has spoken about his findings in numerous popular and professional publications, interviews, television and radio appearances, public and professional presentations. He is author of Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science (Tom Doherty Publishers), which explores his and other scientists’ evaluations of the contemporary evidence, and also affords deference to tribal people’s traditional knowledge of this subject. He has also published two field guides, one focusing on sasquatch, the second casting the net more broadly to consider the potential of relict hominoids around the world (Paradise Cay Publishing). He is editor-in-chief of the scholarly refereed journal, The Relict Hominoid Inquiry." from Idaho State University
A Flash of Beauty: Dr. Jeff Meldrum Interview
Video from A Flash Of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed
"The full, unedited interview for A Flash of Beauty: Bigfoot Revealed with Dr. Jeff Meldrum. Dr. Jeff Meldrum is an esteemed professor of anatomy and anthropology and a leading authority on the subject of Bigfoot. He holds a Ph.D. in anatomical sciences with an emphasis on evolutionary primatology and has taught at Idaho State University. Over the years, Dr. Meldrum has contributed significantly to the field of physical anthropology, especially in the area of primate foot morphology and locomotion. His interest in the Sasquatch phenomenon has led him to conduct extensive field research, examining footprint evidence and collaborating with other researchers in the field. Dr. Meldrum's scientific approach to the subject has earned him respect from both skeptics and proponents." from video introduction
The Supernatural Bigfoot
Dr. Raymond Boeche
"Founder and former director of the Fortean Research Center, Dr. Raymond Boeche has been involved in the study of unexplained phenomena since 1965. He has served as Nebraska State Director for the Mutual UFO Network, on the Board of Advisors for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, and in various capacities with numerous other organizations around the world, involved in the study of unexplained phenomena. Boeche was retained by the University of Nebraska as a consultant to organize, host, and present research papers at two major international conferences on the unexplained in 1982 and 1983." from coasttocoast.com
Searching For Sasquatch Pt 1 | Cultish w/ Dr Ray Boeche
Video from Cultish
"Premiered Oct 12, 2023
In light of recent developments, here is an episode we did with Dr Ray Boeche & our good friend Sarah Adent whose family grew up in the Northwest experiencing several encounters with a Sasquatch like creature. Is Bigfoot a myth, a physical creature, or something else? Are there dangers that we can get ourselves into when looking into this phenomenon?" from video introduction
The Supernatural: Cultish/Blurry Creatures Crossover
Video from Apologia Studios
The Supernatural: Cultish/Blurry Creatures Crossover
"Join us for this long awaited crossover with the Blurry Creatures podcast, as we talk Bigfoot, UFO's, & all things Blurry. We really enjoyed this crossover & hope to do anther one in the near future. Check out Blurry Creatures! @blurrycreatures" from video introduction
Beyond Creepy is a Youtube Channel that has for many years provided recountings of UFO/paranormal events based on the reports. I find them to be reasonable and accurate.
“Bigfoot and The UFO: Strange Cases” | Paranormal Stories
Video from Beyond Creepy
"In this video, I look at two cases, one from Mount Shasta, and the other from Montana, in which a Bigfoot-like creature and a UFO were observed at the same time in the same area." from video introduction