As we and our culture have devolved into secular thought, a Godless view of reality so have our movies.
Society now by and large lacks a common sense of purpose as we pursue our selfish agendas.
Many if not most movies reflect that confusion.
Understanding the Metamodern Mood
"Why, when we look at contemporary pop culture—movies, music, TV, campus protests, meme culture, and TikTok (especially TikTok)—does the word “incoherence” often come to mind? Why does so much today feel random, disconnected, contradictory, aimless, and altogether void of coherent logic and purpose?
Part of it is that social media’s inherent de-narratived randomness has powerfully shaped a schizophrenic cultural consciousness. We see the world as we see our scrolling feeds: one random thing after another, ephemeral and quickly forgotten, providing mild amusement and occasional resonance but without an anchoring narrative that offers lasting satisfaction. As Byung-Chul Han puts it in The Crisis of Narration, digital platforms provide “media of information, not narration. . . . The coherence from which events derive their meaning gives way to a meaningless side-by-side and one-after-the-other.”
Charles Taylor’s concept of “cross-pressures” also helps explain the situation. Contemporary people are bombarded from all directions by information, ideas, experiences, affinities, and spiritual quests—each pulling them in a different direction. Naturally, the experience of cross-pressured life (and its artistic expression) tends to be dizzying, conflicted, and incoherent..." from the article: Understanding the Metamodern Mood
Why Do Movies Feel So Different Now?
Video from Thomas Flight
"Exploring the Transformation of Film: Understanding Meta-Modernism in Movies Today"
"Special thank you to Greg Dember, co-author of for chatting with me for this video. Watch more on their YouTube Channel: @WhatIsMetamodern In this video I dive into what Metamodernism is and what it looks like in film, and chart how the movies have evolved since their modernist origins." from the video introduction
What is Metamodernism?
The era that follows postmodernity
“Let’s just say it: it’s over”
Linda Hutcheon, The Politics of Postmodernity
Metamodernism might be the most important idea you encounter this year. In a world that is growing increasingly fractured and complex, Metamodernism is a worldview that offers a way forward.
In last week’s article, we looked at the difference between the worldviews of Modernity and Postmodernity. Each of these evolved in response to particular historical and cultural trends.
Modernity, as we saw, was the cultural phase that was at its height in the 19th- and early 20th centuries. Postmodernity emerged in the 1960s and is the dominant cultural perspective in the 21st century.
Our current cultural landscape is polarised along these battlelines. With only these two worldviews to choose from it seems that society is doomed to fracture. But this is where Metamodernism comes in.
Metamodernism has been emerging in the past couple of decades and it offers a way past the gridlock.
The Meta in metamodernism comes from the ancient Greek word Metaxas used by Plato and Plotinus to capture the sense of in-betweenness. In the case of Metamodernism, this means being in between Modernity and Postmodernity. But it is not simply a middle ground..." from the article: What is Metamodernism?