God's Beautiful People - The White Kalash Tribe of Pakistan
All of God's people are beautiful!
In God’s eyes, there is no distinction in the color of one’s skin. We are all loved and valued deeply by our Lord!. All people across the globe are individually, lovingly created image bearers.
“Race” is often defined as “a family, tribe, people, or nation belonging to the same stock” or “a class or kind of people unified by shared interests, habits, or characteristics” or “a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits.”
We may think race has to do with the color of one’s skin, yet that concept is “not rooted in Scripture but is a sociological construct., something the world does.
The Kalash Tribe lives in a part of the world that is divided by caste systems, religious and physical differences. This world is often very violent and intolerant of those who are outside the satus quo. The Kalash community (about 3,500 in number) primarily resides in the Bumboret Kalash valley of northwestern Pakistan and claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great's army. They are under increasing pressure to convert to Islam.
The Kalash Practice Animism
What Is Animism?
"Animism is the idea that all things—animate and inanimate—possess a spirit or an essence. First coined in 1871, animism is a key feature in many ancient religions, especially of indigenous tribal cultures. Animism is a foundational element in the development of ancient human spirituality, and it can be identified in different forms throughout major modern world religions..." from the article: What Is Animism?
For a very technical look at Kalash Genetic Drift read this article: The Kalash Genetic Isolate: Ancient Divergence, Drift, and Selection

The White Kalash Tribe of Pakistan - ROBERT SEPEHR
Video from Robert Sepehr
The White Kalash Tribe of Pakistan - ROBERT SEPEHR
The Kalash are an Aryan tribe numbering around 5,000 individuals living on the Pakistan and Afghanistan border. Known to have a high degree of blonde hair and blue eyes, they subscribe to an ancient non-Vedic pagan religion that is in alignment with nature
Who Are Pakistan's Descendants Of Alexander The Great?
Video from NowThis Originals
"Pakistan, a country perceived as distinctly Muslim, is also home to a mysterious tribe with its own religion. So who are the Kalash people?" from video introduction
A little-known Pakistani tribe that loves wine and whiskey fears its Muslim neighbors
KALASH VALLEY, Pakistan — Hidden up in the mountains near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan, the Kalash tribe loves homemade wine and whiskey, dances for days at colorful festivals, and practices a religion that holds that God has spirits and messengers who speak through nature..." from the article: A little-known Pakistani tribe that loves wine and whiskey fears its Muslim neighbors
An Uncertain Future for the Kalash People of Pakistan (2003)
Video from Journeyman Pictures
"Pakistan - Kalash of Cultures (2003) - In a remote part of northern Pakistan, a tribe believed to be descended from Alexander the Great is facing cultural annihilation.
As animists, the Kalash Kafirs live by cultural practices which clash with those of the Muslim Pakistanis’ that surround them. Their identity is constantly undermined by their Muslim neighbours. Help comes in the form of volunteers from Greece who believe that the Kalash people are part of their own ancient history and worth preserving. New facilities are being built but such help comes at a price. ”They are building in their own way…I think they should build like Kalash,” complains villager Mohammed. Whether fact or fiction, the Kalasha realise the commercial value of their founding myth and so are keen to preserve it. However, it is their spiritual life and beliefs that they feel are under threat by the growing hostility of fundamentalists. With jobs promised to those that convert, over 6,000 have reluctantly given up their bright national dress to become Muslim. For the Kalash people, both their past and future remain uncertain." from video introduction