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Writer's pictureAndy McIlvain

How Do We Know God Beyond Worshipping Him Physically?

Do you know God?

Have you met Jesus?

God the Father is a person as are Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

When you seek them by confessing sins and repentance God is active in your life.

But it is not your hard work that gets you there, it is God's mercy and grace!

Video from Bible Q & A

How Do We Know God Beyond Worshipping Him Physically?

"We all know that going to church isn't enough to properly serve God. It's nice, but it's only physical, and God is spiritual. "God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." - John 4:24. However, what does worshipping him in spirit and in truth actually mean? Today, we're going to learn the true meaning of worship." from video introduction

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