Video from The Table/Biola CTT
"The talk will be about how adapting a posture of humility can help the way we engage online with our brothers and sisters in Christ (and anyone else) with whom we disagree. One very important revelation to me was when I saw someone else use the words "I could be wrong," on Twitter. Social media has become a haven for strong opinions, mean back-and-forths, and cesspools of cruel comments. What if we engaged online as we would want to be engaged with face-to-face? That starts with a posture of humility that holds outcomes loosely. To this, we look at Jesus who, "though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited." I will give examples of how I got this wrong, and talk about how social media is a neutral tool--it is our use of it to interact with fellow image-bearers that can make it a powerful force for good or for evil. Laura Turner is a freelance journalist writing at the intersection of religion and culture. Her work has been featured in The Atlantic, Slate, Pacific Standard, and Christianity Today, where she is a regular contributor. She has also written a column for Religion News Service on faith and entertainment. You can find her on Twitter or at her website.' from video introduction.