Video from Soulpancake
"I'm Sick, Even When You Can't See It,
"You often can't always tell from the outside when someone has a chronic illness or disability. In "Trust Me, I'm Sick," we want to uncover the struggles, triumphs, and life changes that people with invisible illness experience. Ezra , Giuliani, Henriette, Matt and Cassandra share intimate stories about how Lupus, HIV and other chronic health conditions have helped shape their relationships, careers and expectations for the future." from video introduction.
Having worked in healthcare for 10 years as an LPN I have seen at lot of things. I am also a cancer survivor of 4 cancers with ongoing side-effects so I relate to what these people say. Other people in general find it hard to relate to something we haven't experienced. All of us are that way in our perception of the world.
And yes in the past I have had many people say to me Oh you look good when I had invisible symptoms and felt horrible. Now the reality is Cancer is everywhere and many of you reading this now if you don't have or haven't had cancer you will at some point. You need then to take into account what these people have experienced as you might be next.
God has allowed disease into our world as part of the penalty of death. We experience the futility of a fallen life daily and our death, unnatural as it is, is a reminder of both our sins and our finite and short life.
Be empathetic, be helpful and understanding of the many people who are sick. This is part of our Christian life and our contribution to the world.