In the Name of God...
We currently are living in a time of great apostasy and blatant evil.
America is under judgement for our many and ongoing sins.
Evil is being portrayed as good.
Doing evil in the name of God directly disobeys Jesus’ commands to love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies.
Christianity in America is declining and many self-proclaimed Christians have replaced their faith with politics and cults of personality.
Evil spiritual forces in combination with our sins is doing to humanity what we have always done to ourselves.
We are self-destructive. We cannot save ourselves from ourselves. No amount of knowledge or science will change our depraved nature.
The current dysfunction of our governement and the public along with it makes clear how depraved we as a people have become.
A minority is hellbent on America Becoming a dictatorship.
The capacity for evil is in all of us.
History has shown that totalitarian/authoritarian regimes perpetuate evil in a way that is consistent with a naturalistic worldview that rejects the reality of objective good or objective evil.
Recent examples are Trump calling for executions. I am not siding with the evils of the so called left or democrats but pointing out that Trump/MAGA and the Republicans is just one more brand of evil.
Many Christians are not Bible believers but people who through the Christian tradition claim what looks timeless, wise and informative. Also most Bible believers are not trying to do harm by supporting anarchists like Trump but are sincerely trying to do good.
The question we must ponder is will we abide in Christ and the Christian worldview no matter what or will we become part of the world the flesh and the devil.
Authoritarianism in the Name of God
Video from Frank Schaeffer