"Is Propellant-less Propulsion the Future of Space Travel?"
NASA veteran’s propellant-less propulsion drive defies laws of physics
NASA expert Dr. Charles Buhler believes he and his team have discovered a “new force”.
"Dr. Charles Buhler, a seasoned NASA engineer and co-founder of Exodus Propulsion Technologies, claims his company’s propellantless propulsion drive defies the laws of physics.
The NASA veteran states the propulsion drive is capable of generating enough thrust to counteract Earth’s gravity without expelling mass.
It’s a bold claim, and this may end up being filed alongside similar controversial concepts like the propellant-free EmDrive." from the article: NASA veteran’s propellant-less propulsion drive defies laws of physics
NASA Scientist's Propellantless Thrust Breakthrough - The Key to UAP Propulsion?
Video from Chris Lehto
"Dive into the forefront of physics with Dr. Charles Buhler as he unveils a groundbreaking discovery: propellantless propulsion. Join host Chris Lehto as he explores the implications of this technology, from revolutionizing space travel to potentially explaining mysterious aerial phenomena." from the video introduction
Charles Buhler - Propellantless Propulsion Device
Video from Tim Ventura
"NASA physicist Dr. Charles Buhler discusses a breakthrough propellantless propulsion device developed by Exodus Propulsion Technology that produces 1g (9.8 m/s²) thrust in hard-vacuum experimental testing.
Dr. Charles Buhler is the co-founder of Exodus Propulsion Technology and lead scientist and co-founder of NASA’s Electrostatics and Surface Physics Laboratory at Kennedy Space Center. Dr. Buhler has a PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from Florida State University, which he received in 2000 while working on high-temperature superconductors at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory.
Dr. Buhler has experience working with electrostatic discharge & ESD safety for the Space Shuttle Program, the International Space Station Program, and the Hubble Space Telescope Program. He was also a Co-Investigator for three NASA Research Announcements funded by the Mars Exploration Program and is currently working on NASA's Dust Project focused on utilizing electrostatic methods to remove dust from personnel and equipment that will be sent to the Moon through NASA's Constellation Program.
Dr. Buhler joins us today to discuss his independent research into field-effect propulsion systems at Exodus Technologies, leading to a patented new propulsion technology that requires no fuel or ejection mass to produce thrust.
Exodus Presentation - APEC Conference (Timestamped, ~ 1hr)
• APEC 12/23: Asymmetrical Capacitance,...
Exodus Propulsion Contact Information (Email)
cbuhler [at] exodustechnologies [dot] space
US Patent: US11511891B2 / WIPO Patent: WO2020159603A2
System and method for generating forces using asymmetrical electrostatic pressure
https://patents.google.com/patent/US1..." from the video introduction
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