![Women looking at sky](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/360899_ace61b8745c14344aa7236c0f38a7174~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_324,h_182,al_c,q_80,enc_auto/360899_ace61b8745c14344aa7236c0f38a7174~mv2.jpg)
Our world is in turmoil or perhaps we notice it more because of 24/7 news and social media.
In any case our world and all of us as well groans for Christ! Even if we don't know or realize it we groan for his return.
Romans 8:22-23
22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.
Many of us have let the culture convince us we are losing our nation. That our investment in it has been eroded by immorality and liberalism. We forget God while we invest our time and treasure in the politics of men hoping they will save us.
We are Selfish
We are selfish and want our way not God's way. Many of us are struggling and many are poor in material possessions yet Christ has said he will provide. Do we believe Him? Do we state our concerns to our Lord in prayer?
Once you understand that we don't always need to be striving to attain what we think we need or want we leave that to the Lord. We learn to live in self-denial and leave it to the Lord to provide for us in the ways that are best at whatever season/circumstance of life we are in.
Can you accept that whatever happens is ordained by the Lord? If we abide in Christ and become a person of self-denial we will receive whatever comes our way with a peaceful and thankful heart.
Job 1:21
“And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD.”
Most Christians are incapable of doing this. Right now in America many self-proclaimed Christians are proudly resisting the rule of him to whom they were once committed.
God Permits, God Ordains, God Blesses
When we bear our cross in life we bear the difficulties of life.
Our spiritual formation over time as we walk daily with our Lord and the Person of the Holy Spirit will lead us to a point in which we understand that all adversity in life is a blessing because out of it God will deliver us.
We must surrender our will to God.
Don't confuse troubles in life with the cross you bear.
You see when we bear the cross with Christ our life is over, we have died unto ourselves. We are no longer prisoners to the fear of death and we no longer need the approval of men.
2 Timothy1:10
10 But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel
God is always at work and is blessing us even as we ignore or refuse those blessings. We must train ourselves to enjoy the abundance God gives us in moderation. Be humble.
We Have Refused Mortification
Mortification of the flesh means denying oneself certain pleasures, such as permanently or temporarily abstaining from food, alcoholic beverages, sexual relations, or an area of life that makes the person's spiritual life more difficult or burdensome.
We don't want to deny ourselves of anything which leads many of us deep into sin.
Your Life is Not a Vail of Tears
Our God is kind and he gives us many good things in this life and he desires we enjoy them and praise him for them and and let the goodness of life in His Kingdom extend to all of the things that concern us.
Your Life is Your Mission
If we can come to realize that wherever we find ourselves is our momentary post, our assignment in life until God moves us on or promotes us into eternity. Our unhappiness and perfectionism, our dissatisfaction with circumstances only short circuits God's plans for us.
Stop Hating Your Job and Start Serving God
Job hatred is pervasive.
The reality is everywhere God places us is our assignment. Don't blink your life will change. So stop making yourself miserable, learn to serve Christ where you are. Pray and ask for his guidance and instruction.
Be Disciplined and A Life- Long Learner
If we discipline ourselves to learn God's Holy Word this is what enables us to do what we should do as opposed to doing what we want to do So daily we enter into the Power of God's presence and that power moves into our lives so that we're not operating only with our natural abilities. The good life that leads into eternity is being unfolded before us each day. Will we learn to live it and appreciate it as a gift from God or will we deny it and complain along with the rest of the world?