“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death” (Revelation 21:8).

Magic & The Occult Influences Our Godless Choices & Behavior
America started on the road to Godlessness many decades ago.
After world war 2 with the sexual revolution and expressive individualism God was incrementally being pushed aside by our sinful thinking and actions.
There have been subtle messages in the media (remember the TV show Bewitched?) concerning magic and the supernatural for decades as well.
The message is that it is harmless, just entertainment and fun.
But magic has a long history of being a way to deceive and dteal from the gullable.
We will start our examination of magic with the fraudulant side.
Magic as Frauds & Hoaxes
In the excellent documentary below James "The Amazing" Randi became a professional debunker, investigating the psychics, paranormals, and faith healers that gave magic a bad name. Randi and his colleagues staged their own hoaxes exposing fraudulent illusionists/magicians they felt took advantage of their audiences.
An Honest Liar: James 'The Amazing' Randi | ᴴᴰ [ Biography Documentary
Video from BUZZEX Documentary
"Meet James "The Amazing" Randi. Witness his investigations exposing psychics, faith healers, and con artists with quasi-religious fervor. Randi, who came out of the closet at 81, created fake psychics, and even turned his partner of 25 years into a sham guru. But when a shocking revelation in Randi's personal life is discovered, it isn't clear whether Randi is still the deceiver or the deceived." from video introduction
Magic as Entertainment
Starting roughly in the 19th century due to a number of major performers, magic transformed from an unorthodox/forbidden practice into an entertainment art form that, today still attracts millions.
There are records of magic tricks that were performed in ancient Egypt and Rome.
After that magic became associated with witchcraft and sorcery and was subsequently shunned by most people.
It was not until the French magician Jean Eugene Robert Houdin, also known as the “Father of Modern Magic,” was born in 1805 and his eventual success as a magician did the modern era take off.
In our modern time magic has been transitioned from evil/mystical to something paranormal and fearful. In fact our science materialistic culture has made the "paranormal" into something to be mocked and therefore fodder for entertainment and comedy.
Magic as entertainment is also about the skill of the magician.
Penn Jillette (Penn & Teller) Reviews Magic Tricks from Movies & TV
Video from Vanity Fair
"Legendary magician Penn Jillette reviews some of the most iconic magic tricks in cinema, from the dramatic illusions in 'The Prestige' and 'The Illusionist' to the comedic tricks in 'Ant-Man and The Wasp' and 'Arrested Development.' Learn how realistic some of the most famous cinematic magic really is." from video introduction
Magick as an Extension of Evil
Modern culture mocks the supernatural as we are too smart to believe in such antiquated notions. Magic as entertainment is a modern development and perhaps a foolish one. As evil has become normaized in our culture as entertainment, (for example we consider murders and other depraved behavior as entertainment) ritual magick and Satanism is just another choice with no moral implications.
Many people have left behind Magic as entertainment and now seek to worship "something" through more deviant forms.
As magic has become a literary genre with books like "Harry Potter" the fasination with magic and the occult has greatly increased,
The danger is the fascination with magic has been taken to an extreme evn by many Christians. Magic and the Occult is not a ministry of God, but instead is a false religion of sorts that leads away from God.
Restless and godless many people are unwittingly caught in a trap set by the invisible world of demonic entities.
Don't get fooled into seeking meaning through the evil of magic and the occult. Seek God!
“‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be defiled by them. I am the LORD your God’” (Leviticus 19:31).

Ex-New Ager's Mission to Slay Demonic Forces After Escaping Witchcraft, Astrology
Video from CBN News
"Tailah Scroggins felt dead inside. After growing up in a Christian home, she somehow fell into the occult, embracing astrology, witchcraft, and the new age. But after embarking on a dark journey and losing the will to live, she had an incredible interaction with Jesus that changed everything. Today, Scroggins is an online evangelist, writer, and truth-teller on a mission to help others escape evil. She recently shared her story with "Billy Hallowell's Playing With Fire Podcast," explaining how she was raised in a Christian home and believed in God before stumbling into the occult. She said she was first introduced to the New Age in high school when someone she trusted in her family came over and told her about astrology. "They had this big ... textbook of everything astrology and they were like, 'This describes my personality so perfectly — look what it says about you,'" Scroggins said. "I was caught off-guard, and I remember ... I was like, 'But how can this be true? If God created all of us and he made our personalities, how can a planet dictate my future or dictate my personality?'" She said this was the first "seed of deception" the devil planted in her life, and her perspective started to shift. With her family friend stating God created astrology as a system "He put in order," she started down what she now believes was a dangerous path. Watch her explain why she's trying to help young people escape evil." from video introduction
Former Luciferian-Turned-Priest Warns of the Rise of Occultism Among Christians
Since his conversion, Father Jean-Christophe Thibault has raised awareness about the harm of occult and esoteric practices that are more and more widespread in every sphere of society.
The world of occultism has few secrets for Father Jean-Christophe Thibaut, who, in his tormented youth, rubbed shoulders with it and explored all of its different facets. This French priest from the Diocese of Metz in northeastern France started communicating with spirits through the use of a pendulum at the age of 8 and joined the Luciferian ranks — a movement distinct from Satanism that worships the character of Lucifer not as the devil but as the liberator or “bringer of light” — as a teenager.
It took, as he recounts in this interview with the Register, a lightning incursion of the Holy Spirit in his life to extricate him from this world of darkness, which had held his soul captive for so many years. It is precisely to this image of a mental prison that Father Thibaut refers in his latest book, La Prison des Esprits (The Prison of Spirits), co-written with Olivier Joly, a former medium who also converted to Catholicism.
The two authors drew on their respective experiences to warn as many people as possible about the profound dangers of apparently harmless yet dangerous practices, which tend to become widespread to unsuspecting persons, including within the Church.." from the article:
Magic: What Is It? And How Does the Bible View Magic?
Video from Ancient Egypt and the Bible
"This video discusses the topic of magic. Magic in relation to context of the ancient Near East and the Bible. And how magic is classified by scholars who study new religious movements." from video introduction
What Does the Bible Say About Magic, Magicians, Illusionists?
"There is a difference between the magicians spoken of in the Bible and the magicians and illusionists one sees today at parties and in stage show acts. The magicians in the Bible either gained their power from demonic forces or else they were little more than charlatans who pretended to have great knowledge or to discover secrets, tell fortunes, and predict things to come.
The word "magic" is actually used six times in the Bible, three times in the Old Testament and three times in the New Testament. However, the word, "magician(s)" is used 15 times. We know that the Egyptians worshiped many gods and that magic played an important part in the rituals of their high priests. It was through the deception of magic that the Egyptians were made to believe their gods actually had power. Genesis speaks of magicians in pharaoh’s service. But it is interesting to note that they were powerless to interpret pharaoh’s dream (Genesis 41:8), prompting pharaoh to send for Joseph, who interpreted it correctly because he spoke the words God gave him.
The book of Exodus speaks of magicians practicing what is called "secret arts" (Exodus 8:7), as they brought up frogs and thereby replicating God’s plague on the land of Egypt. Magic in this case was used in an attempt to mock God by mimicking the miracles God performed through Moses. Magic and sorcery played a major role in the pantheistic religion of Egypt. Its ancient documents record the magicians’ activities, one of the most prominent being the charming of serpents. These men were also self-styled “wise men” and “sorcerers”—the learned men of the day and the religious as well. Two of these men, named Jannes and Jambres, are mentioned in 2 Timothy 3:8. Any supernatural power they may have had came from Satan (2 Corinthians 11:13-15). If not supernaturally inspired, they simply practiced their trade by optical illusion, sleight of hand, or the learned physical manipulation of things such as snakes. Whatever the case, deceit was their aim, and they were sufficiently skillful to completely fool pharaoh and his servants." from the article:
In regard to the magicians and illusionists we see today, if they are nothing more than entertainers, there is probably nothing wrong with being entertained by them. If, however, they are involved with the occult, clearly this is something Christians must avoid. The difficulty is in knowing which are associated with the occult and which are not. In any case, wisdom and discernment are needed whenever dealing with any form of magic or illusion." from the article: What Does the Bible Say About Magic, Magicians, Illusionists?
The Difference Between Magic and Magick
If you follow modern magical writing, you have likely come across the term "magick" seemingly used in place of "magic." Indeed, many people use the words interchangeably despite the fact that "magick" was pretty specifically defined by the first modern person to use the term, Aleister Crowley.
What Is Magic?
Simply defining the more familiar term "magic" is in and of itself problematic. A fairly embracing explanation is that it is a method of manipulating the physical world through metaphysical means by employing ritual action.
What Is Magick?
Aleister Crowley (1875-1947) founded the religion of Thelema. He was largely associated with modern occultism and influenced other religious founders such as Wicca's Gerald Gardner and Scientology's L. Ron Hubbard.
Crowley started using the word "magick" and gave several reasons why. The most often mentioned reason is to differentiate what he was doing from stage magic. However, such usage is unnecessary. Academics discuss magic in ancient cultures all the time, and no one thinks they are talking about the Celts pulling rabbits out of hats.
But Crowley gave several other reasons why he used the term "magick," and these reasons are often ignored. The central reason was that he considered magick to be anything that moves a person close to fulfilling their ultimate destiny, which he called one's True Will.
By this definition, magick doesn't have to be metaphysical. Any action, mundane or magical that helps fulfill one's True Will is magick. Casting a spell to get someone's attention is most certainly not magick.." from the article: The Difference Between Magic and Magick