Video from Garret Morgan
"Mentality" - A Film About Mental Health
"This film tracks the evolution of mental health treatment through the stories of patients and professionals across the Great Lakes. Over their lifetimes, they have watched America’s mentality about psychiatric illness change and treatment options greatly improve. But in a society that leaves millions of people with mental illness untreated, on the streets, or in prison, how far have we really come since the days of the asylums? By interviewing a variety of individuals who have experienced mental illness, we've aimed to shed light on the topic and provide an understanding of the hardships many people face. It is my sincere hope that, through viewing this film, viewers will gain an appreciation for the struggles of those with mental health difficulties, as well as an appreciation for the importance of seeking help when needed. A passion project that I chipped away at in my spare time starting in 2018 and finally finishing in January of last year. For a behind-then-scenes look at making the film, check out my postmortem of the project: • Making This Docum... If you're interested in owning a physical copy DVD of the film for educational or personal use, feel to reach out to me directly at Directed & Edited by Garret Morgan Written by Keith Schnabel Produced by Mukesh Lathia Featuring music by Wagner Koop." from video introduction
When trying to help a friend or family member with mental health issues pray that God gives the doctors and nurses wisdom to properly diagnose and treat the problem.
When wandering through the wasteland people require that we give a lot to them. during these times faithfulness is needed more than anything else. Faithfulness to keep praying, encouraging, and serving even when it seems like things aren’t changing for the better.
Six Ordinary Lessons for Mental-Health Issues
"I was working in a hospital and doing a rotation through the psychiatric wing. When I arrived, I was greeted by an affable young man whom I had met at church. I thought he was an aid until he said that he was a patient and this was his fourth admission. Meanwhile, a nurse had seen us talking, and when he and I had finished our conversation, she asked if I knew him.
“Yes, we attend the same church.”
“Oh, we just love him. We think everyone here should go to that church. I don’t know what they do, but at least three of our patients have improved so much after going there.”
The church we attended was relatively small (maybe one hundred attenders), on the youngish side (a number of recently married people), and with no mental-health professionals that I knew of. It seemed ordinary. And yet the help this church gave its psychiatric patients had stood out to the staff.
As I have reflected on that church and others like it, I’ve identified six principles that guided their care for those with complicated troubles — troubles that would be identified as psychiatric. These include depression, bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, anorexia, and other disorders that are commonly treated with medication. I am assuming that the person is already under the care of a psychiatrist.
1. Be patient and kind with everyone.
This principle is obvious but not easy (1 Corinthians 13:4). We might do well with those who are like us, but we are slow to be patient with those we don’t understand. Patience and kindness are not scared away by eccentricities, differences, or complicated problems.
If someone is off-putting or disruptive, we don’t overreact; intense reactions are among the worst steps we can take. Instead, we might simply ask, “Is everything okay? It seems like something is on your mind.” The first-time loner gets an invitation to lunch. Kindness includes others and assimilates them in the larger family of the church, where peculiarities abound..." from the article: Six Ordinary Lessons for Mental-Health Issues