Video from Into the Wardrobe
"What if there was a real-world connection between the Narnian timeline and the history of our world? C.S. Lewis was famous for inserting metaphors, symbols and hidden meanings in his stories. From the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, to Prince Caspian, to The Horse and His Boy, The Silver Chair, The Magician's Nephew and the Last Battle, find out if there's a deeper reason for the 7 Ages of Narnian history than you might have known. Thanks to user Francesco Carlini for pointing out the numerological theory at 2:40! " from vidoe introduction.

Time Periods of Narnia
The time periods of Narnia, are the chronological ages and eras throughout the history of the Narnian Empire, from Narnian-year 1 until the world's end in 2555 (see the Narnian timeline page for the major events of Narnia and the equivalent date on Earth in which they took place): Ages and Monarchs of Narnia
The Age of Conquest (The Early Ages) [0—900]
The Birth of Narnia: the Narnian shadowlands are conceived; the Stone Table is constructed by Aslan's father; and Narnia itself is awakened by Aslan and the Stars
The Old Dynasty begins and reigns for about 900 years, founding the Narnian Empire
The Age of Winter (The Long Winter) [900—1000]
The White Witch's reign begins
The Winter Revolution and the end of the White Witch's reign
The Golden Age (The Rulership of the Pevensies) [1000—1015]
The Pevensie children are crowned Kings and Queens of Narnia, beginning the 15-year-long Pevensie Dynasty
The Pevensie Dynasty ends with no successors
The Dark Age (Unstable Leaders and Subsequently, Anarchy) [1015—1998]
Various disputed dynasties rise and fall
Narnia in anarchy
The Telmarine Age (Foreign Humanocentric Rule) [1998—2303]
The Telmarine Conquest
The Telmarine ("Caspian") Dynasty begins; ousting of the Old Narnians
The Narnian Revolution occurs, with the Old Narnians taking back the kingdom from the Telmarine-Narnians
The Age of Exploration (The Expansion Era) [2303—2356]
Narnian imperial expansion occurs
The Caspian Dynasty officially ends
The Later Ages (Narnia's Last Days) [2356—2555]
The New Dynasty begins
The False Aslan Affair and the subsequent Calormene Conquest, fall of the Narnian Empire
The world is destroyed by Aslan: the sun is put out; the new ocean body freezes into solid ice; Father Time freezes to death, and his soul joins those creatures that destroyed Narnia's vegetation
from the article: The Chronicles of Narnia