Video from Apologia Acts 17:17
Nihilism - Lesslie Newbigin
"This lecture by Christian theologian Lesslie Newbigin (1909-1998) concerns the worldview called Nihilism (which denies objective truth, and was made popular by the 19th century atheist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche) and contrasts it with faith in Jesus Christ as being the very embodiment of truth." from video introduction

How a Man Named Lesslie Changed the Way I Think
As a Christian citizen of the United States, it’s clear to me that I’m living in an increasingly post-Christian society. The majority of Americans no longer consider traditional Christian doctrine (e.g., original sin) or traditional Christian ethics (e.g., sexual morality) plausible in the modern world. Christians who don’t abandon these beliefs are increasingly considered morally inferior or even hateful.
Given the fact that the United States is a democratic republic, the beliefs of citizens affect the lives of other citizens socially, culturally, and politically. This reality makes it increasingly important for Christians to figure out the best way to conduct themselves in the public square. Many theologians can aid us in this task; in this article, I focus on Lesslie Newbigin (1909–1998) and how his example is helpful for us in our 21st-century American context.
Newbigin’s Life and Writings.." from the article: How a Man Named Lesslie Changed the Way I Think