First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2)

Pray for Our Rulers!
Right now, today the most effective thing we can do for our nation is to pray for our rulers!
Think for a moment when was the last time you prayed for Joe Biden, the President of the United States of America, or Donald Trump, your state’s governor or the senators and representatives?
When was the last time you prayed for your mayor, the city council or the school board?
God wants us to pray for those He has put in authority over us, regardless of their political party, age, or character.
The Democratic party continues to promote evil and ungodly things and conversely the Republican party also promotes anarchy and evil. Nevertheless we msut pray for all involved.
Many of our leaders who don’t lead well. They are in a position of authority yet are unqualified to be there through incompetence, poor character, and everything in between. We must pray that our leaders lead well!
As Christians it is our responsibility to pray for them, pray they lead well during every catastrophe and tragedy.
It is also our responsibility as Christians to pray for their salvation more than we criticize their lack of it.
Christians can and should be involved in politics. To defend the faith we must know what the politics and culture is all about and how it aligns or does not align with God's Word.
Unfortunately many Christians are more caught up in the latest political news at the expense of God’s Word. If politics interests us more than Christ or the church, reading Scripture etc. then we have a problem. God tells us to pray for our leaders so we can live a quiet and peaceful life.
In a practically, way this means to stop watching the news or checking the latest political news or staying off Twitter (X?). It means placing God, and his word over all else!
Therefore remain seek to be quiet and peaceful, fixating your gaze on the glory of Jesus, knowing He has won the wars and conflicts before us.