Recovered Exotic Materials?
There is a long list of materials that have been recovered over the years that are attributed to coming from unknown/exotic craft.
I will provide a few examples of these reports and the material and its disposition if know.
Let's look at the debris from Ubatuba, Brazil. This material is alleged to come from a UFO that exploded over the are in 1957. The metal has been analyzed and its components identified. Claims it was replicated are in the following article.
As far back as 2020 there were reports of ATTP personel, this case Lou Elizondo having collected some of the Ubatuba material.
The following article discusses this: Ubatuba UFO Debris Given to Elizondo Claims Andrea Simondini
Here is a link to the entire slide show from Jacques Vallee & Gary Nolan (2020): What Do We Know About the Material Composition of UFO's

"Most students of the history of UFOs are familiar with the famous Ubatuba, Brazil case of 1957, in which metallic debris said to have been retrieved after the explosion of a UFO was determined to be magnesium metal of unusual composition. Few researchers are probably aware of another, surprisingly similar incident that occurred in the US at the dawn of the modern UFO phenomenon. This incident directly or indirectly involved a host of people and organizations that were later to have a major impact on the study of UFOs in the United States, and points out that there is still much to be learned concerning the early investigation of the phenomenon by the military, the intelligence community and even, perhaps, by the corporate world..." from the article: Dow Chemical
Recently individuals have been to the Roswell Crash site and collected samples in the run-off debris. Below is their findings in the video from Ryan Sprague.
Results of Roswell UFO Crash Site Materials (w/ Frank Kimbler)
Video from Ryan Sprague
"On episode 322 of SOMEWHERE IN THE SKIES, we are joined by Frank Kimbler, a geologist and professor at the New Mexico Military Institute. Over the past decade, Kimbler has dedicated himself to finding physical evidence left behind by whatever crashed just outside Roswell in 1947. Upon triangulating what he believes was the direct impact site, he has found, over the years, more than twenty metallic fragments. Those fragments have been analyzed and tested by various laboratories throughout the years, some of which, carried out with the help of Ryan. Today, Kimbler shares the dramatic history of his findings, the intriguing results of various tests, and exciting news about new metals found out at the site." from video introduction
Recovered Materials?
Video from Event Horizon
In a recently released report on the Debrief, journalists Leslie Kean and Ralph Blumenthal speak to whistleblower David Grusch. After serving as a representative for the UAP Task Force and co-lead for UAP analysis, Grusch revealed astonishing information. According to his account, the United States Government, along with its allies and defense contractors, has been engaging in the recovery of extraterrestrial objects that are unmistakably of non-human origin for several decades. Now, Avi Loeb of Harvard has written an essay explaining why, if true, the craft made by non human intelligence should be studied by scientists in academia, and the knowledge that we are not alone should not be classified.
"The Phenomenon" Has a Long History
How good are governments/military at keeping secrets? And how good are they at deceiving the public and others?
Thats a mixed bag of opinions.
If we look to the Wiki-leaks incident with Julian Assuage and to the Edward Snowden we know that the US Govenrment and the Military are very good at keeping secrets.
How much of what we see, read and hear is propoganda we do not know but it is clear that a lot of it is.
Is there actually non-human crat and bodies buried somewhere within the maze of distractions, misinformation and disinformation? It seems that there is simply by the length and volume of the reports for many decides.
Skepticism is still needed.
Currently we have statements by the military that ufos exist and we have debris and we have statements to the opposite. Again distraction and confusion.
Professor Simon Holland always has some good observations!
UFO Crash Technology - Prof Simon
Video from Professor Simon Holland
"What alien technology emerged overnight from crashed ufos? fibre optics, probably not Transistors nope but their is ONE device that changed the world and does not have a real origin story. thanks for watching - Simon (excuse my stiff delivery - I fell over in the goat farm and hurt my back)" from video introduction
The U.S. Government Keeps Too Many Secrets
"American officials classify too much information, from the trivial to the politically inconvenient. The overreliance on secrecy invites abuse.
That the U.S. government has a problem with classifying information—the process of identifying and protecting documents and discussions that must be kept secret to preserve national security—was established long before President Donald Trump’s Ukraine scandal returned the subject to the headlines.
Eight blue-ribbon U.S. government commissions have addressed the subject since World War II, Elizabeth Goitein, a veteran transparency advocate, told me. Each of them deemed that overclassification, as she put it, “is rampant.”.." from the article: The U.S. Government Keeps Too Many Secrets
What is Whistleblowing and Why is It Important?
"A whistleblower is an employee who discloses information that the individual reasonably believes is evidence of gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety; or a violation of law, rule, or regulation.." from the article: What is whistleblowing and why is it important?
"Edward Snowden has warned that surveillance technology is so much more advanced and intrusive today it makes that used by US and British intelligence agencies he revealed in 2013 look like child’s play.
In an interview on the 10th anniversary of his revelations about the scale of surveillance – some of it illegal – by the US National Security Agency and its British counterpart, GCHQ, he said he had no regrets about what he had done and cited positive changes.
But he is depressed about inroads into privacy both in the physical and digital world. “Technology has grown to be enormously influential,” Snowden said. “If we think about what we saw in 2013 and the capabilities of governments today, 2013 seems like child’s play.”
He expressed concern not only about dangers posed by governments and Big Tech but commercially available video surveillance cameras, facial recognition, artificial intelligence and intrusive spyware such as Pegasus used against dissidents and journalists.
Looking back to 2013, he said: “We trusted the government not to screw us. But they did. We trusted the tech companies not to take advantage of us. But they did. That is going to happen again, because that is the nature of power.”.." from the article: ‘No regrets,’ says Edward Snowden, after 10 years in exile
Marco Rubio Claims Top U.S. Officials Coming Forward With UFO Claims
Rubio: Recent UFO whistleblower isn't the only one | Banfield
Video from NewsNation
"Sen. Marco Rubio, F-Fla., tells NewsNation exclusively that “other” whistleblowers beside David Grusch, with firsthand knowledge of government operations, have also come forward with similar UFO claims." from video introduction
"Marco Rubio has claimed that those who have come forward regarding claims about the U.S. government retrieving alien aircraft "have held very high clearances and high positions within our government."
The senior senator for Florida and vice chair of the Select Committee on Intelligence was cautious not to reveal who had already come forward with information as part of an investigation by Congress into the matter when he spoke to NewsNation on Monday.
"Frankly a lot of them are very fearful," the Republican senator said. "Fearful of their jobs, fearful of their clearances, fearful of their career." Similarly, others involved in the investigation have been guarded about the details of the probe.
At the beginning of June, House Oversight Committee chair James Comer announced an investigation into allegations that a top-secret military program already had a fully intact UFO in its possession.
The investigation will be led by GOP Reps. Anna Paulina Luna of Florida, a committee member, and Tim Burchett of Tennessee, who is not a committee member but has previously made claims about a government cover-up regarding an unidentified flying object..." from the article: Marco Rubio Claims Top U.S. Officials Coming Forward With UFO Claims