Video from FOCLOnline
Regeneration Through the Spirit - Michael Reeves (4 of 6)
"This talk shows that faithfulness to the gospel requires more than bare biblical orthodoxy: it requires a new birth. We see why evangelicals have traditionally emphasized our need for renewal and holiness. This is part 4 of a 6-part series on Gospel People - A Call for Evangelical Integrity. Find more great talks like this at Don't forget to like and subscribe! Michael is President and Professor of Theology at Union School of Theology in the UK. Previously he has been Head of Theology for UCCF and an associate minister at All Souls Church, Langham Place, London. He is the author of Introducing Major Theologians, Why the Reformation Still Matters, The Unquenchable Flame, The Good God, and Christ our Life, co-editor of Adam, the Fall and Original Sin, and holds a doctorate in systematic theology from King’s College, London. He is married to Bethan, and together they have two daughters, Lucy and Mia. " from video introduction.