Video from Grace to You
Shining the Light in a Dark Culture: A Conversation with John MacArthur
"AUSTIN: MacArthur?
JOHN: Yes.
AUSTIN: What’s new?
JOHN: A lot.
AUSTIN: You’ve been busy. I’ve seen you on TV lately.
JOHN: Yeah. In a sense, I feel like it took me to get to 80 years before maybe the most critical moment in my life has taken place. I think it’s because there are more people listening to the Word of God at this particular time from this pulpit than ever in the history of our church in a regular way Sunday after Sunday because of the multiple dire conditions in our world. And there’s a greater interest in hearing the Word of God. It’s not just sort of inside the church, it’s outside – many, many people wanting interviews, wanting me to write articles, and even putting these articles on basically secular websites and things like that to hear from the Lord. I think this is a new experience; but I’m so thankful for the opportunity to do it.
AUSTIN: So back in March, the Livestream saw a lot more traffic because everyone was locked down. So that increased the amount of people looking here. But you’re talking about not just the Livestream looking at us more and more, you’re talking about the cultural changes taking place and people looking for answers.
JOHN: Yeah. I think there’s a level of desperation. I forget who said it, but people don’t take their life because they’re weary of the pain, they take their life because they’re weary of the pleasure. People are running out of pleasure. It’s becoming pretty common among young people, younger and younger all the time to take their lives. And it isn’t that they suffer from pain, it’s that they suffer from the meaninglessness of even pleasure. There’s a fear about the future, everything is shifting..." Transcript