Video from James W. Knox Sermons
The Animal Kingdom in the Millennium
"May 13, 2023
When Jesus Christ is ruling and reigning upon the earth, He will restore harmony between the beasts of the field, the fowl of the air, the fish in the sea, and mankind, such as was enjoyed in the garden of Eden prior to the fall of the human race. Man shall once again dwell in peace with the rest of creation." from video introduction
THE BIBLE Baptist Church of DeLand, Florida Pastor James W. Knox
"James W. Knox was born February 26, 1958 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He grew up in New Smyrna Beach, Florida where he graduated high school in 1976. Over the next three years he earned degrees in English and journalism from the state university system of Florida, graduating with honors in 1978 and 1979.." from the website:
He received the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior on December 17, 1976 and began to preach the word of God in November of the following year.