In our age of radical individualism we can find all kinds of excuses NOT to have children.
As Christians however we should know better.
God mandated we if able are to do certain things. In order for the Kingdom of God to flourish and for all of us to flourish people must have children who grow up and hopefully come to know Christ.
Our children aren’t a task to be completed or to be checked off a list.
Children are to be delighted in but not worshipped. Only God should be worshipped.
Are you caught up in the secular selfish culture that promotes our own selfish desires above all else?
Pray and ask God to search your heart!
WE said NO to BLESSINGS Like Many other Christian Couples
Video from Toups Time
The Choice Isn't Ours...Open To Life
"The Decision to have children and the number of children you have should not just be a decision between you and your spouse but should include God! God considers children a blessing and unfortunately most of the secular and christian homes now see them more as a burden, inconvenience or hindrance. This Child Free Movement doesn't align with God's view of Families and honestly doesn't align at all with scripture. We are commanded as married men and women to be Fruitful and Multiply ! To Raise up Godly Children and leave a legacy that is to impact future generations. In today's video we are diving into God's View on Children and How Many Children Christian families should have!" from video introduction
The Messy Home of Blessing - Why Children Are Worth the Chaos
"Raising small children, as any parent knows, can be a little like trying to train an unruly herd of squirrels — on a small, motorless boat, during a mild-to-severe hurricane. They’re small enough and cute enough to seem mostly harmless, but that’s what they want you to think.
I remember a day in our first several years when it was raining squirrels. That afternoon, I had gone to wake one of our children from their nap. Before my hand touched the doorknob, I smelled trouble on the other side. This wasn’t your run-of-the-mill parenting smell; this was something more sinister. I opened the door to discover that a soiled diaper had quietly become a painter’s palette. No surface was safe. Quite proud of the work, the culprit stood tall in a now graffitied crib and smiled at me, as if I might consider purchasing the masterpiece..." from the article: The Messy Home of Blessing