The gents from Theology Pugcast discuss the comparison made in an article in Unherd magazine about "the grizzly man" and his death by a bear.
Besides being a sad story we find in it how many in our culture and the world have lost touch with reality and believe that they can bring circumstances and ideas into being.
Reality is always reality no matter what we tell ourselves or others.
No matter how much you believe a wild grizzly bear will be your friend eventually they will kill and eat you.
So too many things in life will lead to death if we ignore the reality before us.
Video from The Theology Pugcast
The Grizzly Truth about the West: The Theology Pugcast Episode 304
"Today the Pugs discuss a fascinating article by Jacob Howland that was published in the always interesting online journal, "Unherd." The article reflects on the sad story of Timothy Treadwell documented by film maker Werner Herzog in his 2005 documentary, Grizzly Man. But that's just the occasion for reflecting on the even sadder story of the crisis of the west--a crisis with an ending prophesied in Euripides ancient tragedy, Bacchae. Tune in and learn why things might get even weirder in the days ahead, and why we can know what's coming." from the video introduction
The grizzly truth about the West
We have forgotten the basic principles of civilization
"The past month of American politics has been utter chaos. Former president Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt by a matter of millimetres. Joe Biden went to Las Vegas, reportedly got Covid, and disappeared completely from public view. A day after his campaign team insisted he would stay in the race for president, he dropped out via a letter posted to X.
These bizarre events are shrouded in mystery. Conspiracy theories abound. Did Trump arrange for the shooter to nick his ear with a bullet so that he could rise from the ground bloodied but unbowed? Did the Democrats blackmail Biden into ending his campaign? Who, if anyone, is in charge?
Unfortunately, Western democracies require high levels of trust to survive. It’s what distinguishes us from, say, Somalia, where warring clans settle disputes by bloodshed. But we seem to be devolving rapidly into our own warring clans. Trump’s opponents have worked for years to paint him as a racist, a bigot, an antisemite, and a Nazi. They’ve slandered and libeled his supporters, too, and the poisonous fruit of these concerted efforts is now ripe for picking. What is more, the opaque machinations of the Democrats to remove Biden from the ticket are strongly reminiscent of Shakespearean hugger-mugger, with Kamala Harris playing a wheedling Regan or Goneril to Biden’s King Lear.
Witnessing the ongoing collapse of the American polity, one tries to find words for what is happening. The catastrophic error of our time goes beyond nasty political partisanship and is not confined to our shores..." from the article: The grizzly truth about the West
Grizzly Man (2005) Official Trailer - Werner Herzog Documentary HD
Video from Rotten Tomatoes Classic Trailers
"Grizzly Man (2005) Official Trailer - Werner Herzog Documentary HD
A devastating and heartrending take on grizzly bear activists Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard, who were killed in October of 2003 while living among grizzlies in Alaska." from the video introduction