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The Irreverent Legacy of Mad Magazine

When I was about 8 years old in 1964 I remember walking 4 blocks to a "drug store" to buy a Mad Magazine.

My mother frowned when I returned home with them.

I found them funny and I loved the artwork, the design of the magazine.

I was born with the gift of being an artist.

So today I look back on my 8-year-old self and grin understanding now what I did not then.

Even though much of the humor went over my head at the time I was nevertheless thrilled by the art and still appreciate it today.

This video from CBS Sunday Morning offers us a reflection on the history of Mad Magazine and the people who made it.

The Irreverent Legacy of Mad Magazine

"Mad Magazine began in 1952 as a comic book that made fun of other comic books – and soon became an institution for mocking authority in all spheres of life, from TV, movies and advertising, to politicians and parents. Correspondent David Pogue visits a new museum exhibition celebrating the humor of Mad, as created by the artists and writers who called themselves "the usual gang of idiots." from the video introduction

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