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The Soul-Crushing Cost of Productivity - Lost Art of Leisure

The Soul-Crushing Cost of Productivity - Lost Art of Leisure

"In our relentless pursuit of productivity, have we sacrificed our very souls? This video delves into the dark side of the modern hustle culture, exploring how endless productivity can erode our well-being, stifle our creativity, and disconnect us from the joys of life. Discover the hidden costs of a life dominated by work and deadlines, and learn why reclaiming leisure is essential for restoring balance, happiness, and a sense of purpose. Join us as we unravel the soul-crushing effects of productivity and explore pathways to a more fulfilling, leisurely existence. Chapters: 1. Introduction: 00:00 2. Alienation: 01:17 3. My story: 07:59 4. A new living: 11:53 " from the video introduction

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