The simple life is life for many people around the world.
They have no need for more material goods or a desire to go places all the time.
They have the luxury and blessing of living in the moment, being present and grateful.
We in the west say we want a simple life but are we willing to give up our stuff to have it?
Video from Adventure Elliot
This is How People Live in RURAL & FORGOTTEN Spain
@RealLifeLore Did a video on population and demographics in Spain so I thought I'd go an adventure Northern Spain to find out for myself. Bald and Bankrupt is always showing Eastern Europe, but in this video I bring you to the abandoned ghost villages of Western Europe - this time in Northern Spain. It's hard to believe there are places like this in Western Europe (Asturias Spain) in 2022.. Whilst on the Camino de Santiago I discovered several desolate and empty ghost towns/villages where some people still inhabit the villages." from video introduction
Adventure Elliot is a bilingual travel vlogger (English and Spanish) with a particular interest in the Spanish speaking world. I enjoy taking adventures - big or small - and my goal is to show the Spanish speaking world 1 video at a time. The goal of my channel is simple yet complex: I want to document and share authentic & educational content of anything related to Adventure Travel, Geography, & Language in the Spanish-speaking world. It's kind of a loaded topic, but it allows me to never exhaust my creative outlets. The truth is, I've always been extremely passionate about what I'm doing on my channel, but I never properly documented it when I started adventuring as a younger man in my college years. I've made over 150 Youtube videos in both English and Spanish, and I have aspirations to make 1000s more. If that sounds interesting to you, join the community and follow me along the way.. After all, we're just getting started.