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True Love can be Extraordinary!

As God's image bearers we are gifted with many things and one of those things is the ability to love and care for someone else.

This love if done under the power of the Person of the Holy Spirit and Christ is unselfish and giving.

But even God's common grace to all mankind allows all people to experience love.

The video below is a wonderful example of love and devotion.

True Love can be Extraordinary!

'Relationships are like mirrors, reflecting love and the true essence of who we are. They show us how to give and receive love and help us understand what we want in life and who we want to be. Trusting relationships give us the space to be our true selves without fear. Through them, we learn to be authentic and accept ourselves. But it's not just about us; relationships also teach us to treat others with kindness and compassion. Through shared experiences, we learn empathy, learning to navigate the complexities of human connection with grace and understanding. In this journey of self-discovery and mutual growth, we find that kindness not only strengthens our relationships, but also nourishes our souls, making our interactions with others richer, more meaningful, and profoundly rewarding. Filmed in Washougal, Washington, USA. Featuring Anni and John Furniss - Anni's Instagram - @annifurnissart John's Instagram - @theblindwoodsman" from the video introduction

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