Video from Emmanuel Acho
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
There are times in our lives when we must be pushed out of our comfort zones. Life in general is in constant flux and we as individuals begin to see this as we age. Many people unfortunately begin their lives in exceedingly difficult circumstances and it shapes them morally and as a humans. The sinful nature that haunts us all can and does lead to much evil and suffering as we perpetrate suffering sometimes knowingly or sometimes unknowingly upon others.
As a white male, I have enjoyed many things in my life that were no doubt due to that fact and our dominant social status. My life was hard in many ways but not in the way that Black Americans have lived and perceived life. I have seen discrimination and racism and it is a sad and ugly sight.
Black Lives Matter and it is time now to address this problem head on. Yes, all lives matter, and many other things in life matter. People are still getting sick and dying from not only Covid-19 but many other things. We should not forget that.
In this video actor Matthew McConaughey talks with Emmanuel Acho Sports Analyst/former pro football Player and discusses things we all should be thinking about right now.