Video from Dr. Jordan B. Cooper
What About All the Differences Among Protestants?
The Major Differences Among All The Branches Of Protestantism
"The history of the Protestant Reformation is often broken down into a few key moments, beginning with Martin Luther nailing 95 theses to the door of a church to protest the Catholic practice of selling indulgences. This sparked the Wars of Reformation, giving rise to a series of religious conflicts that reshaped Europe. Estimates of the casualty toll of these conflicts put the figure around 7-8 million, and the Protestant question was settled.
While broadly factually accurate, this summary leaves a lot to be desired, including a discussion of the continued development of Protestantism and the splintering of Protestant ideologies into dozens of different sects. Far from a settled matter, the Protestant movement is an ever-changing, ever-evolving group of competing branches, and the differences among Protestant denominations can be archaic and confusing. It is precisely because of the differences among Christian denominations that studying the development of the faith can be so rewarding.
Due to its emphasis on individual understandings of the Bible, and its decentralization of authority (as compared to the iron authority of the Vatican), Protestantism has been particularly prone to reinterpretation by powerful, charismatic figures. Men like John Calvin and John Wesley founded branches of Protestantism that have deep influences to this day..." from the article: The Major Differences Among All The Branches Of Protestantism