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What Lies Within the Tomb of This Lost Prince? The Tomb of Don Pedro at Segovia in Spain.

What Lies Within the Tomb of This Lost Prince? The Tomb of Don Pedro at Segovia in Spain.

"In what is now the treasury in the Segovia cathedral in central Spain is a tomb topped by a painted effigy of a young boy. It is enclosed with iron railings, and on these there is an inscription that reads: 'Here is buried the infantay Don Pedro, son of King Enrique the Second, who died in the Year 1366.' That’s rather intriguing, and in this video, I want to look at what we know of the story of this young man Don Pedro, a story shrouded in myth and legend – and will talk about his tomb and its construction and the very fascinating finds that were discovered within it in 2019." from the video introduction

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