Video from CBS Sunday Morning
What Makes Norman Lear, at 98, Still Tick?
"In January 1971 "All in the Family" premiered on CBS. Fifty years later, the co-creator of that classic situation comedy, Norman Lear, explains the importance of laughter in keeping him going strong at the age of 98. CBS News chief medical correspondent Dr. Jonathan LaPook (Lear's son-in-law) recently spent time with Lear, making a home movie like no other, in which the legendary producer reveals what makes him tick." from video introduction.
All of us want to age well, by that I mean with grace, wisdom and to do so in a God honoring life. But sin often corrupts our best intentions and God also has a plan that may and often does include hardship and sickness. We like Paul may be given a "thorn in the flesh" to make us humble. In this video Norman Lear, writer, producer, director, Husband, Father, Son talks about life.
Remember Archie Bunker? Do you recognize some of him in you? Lear wrote about being human, being sinful, imperfect and yes selfish.
Laughter is a gift from God! Do you think God does not have a sense of humor? We made in his image, who can see God by seeing Jesus, a Jesus who is fully human that laughed when he was incarnate and even now laughs at you and me!
Norman Lear believes in family as he has six children and four grandchildren.
We can all learn something form other people, other people who are made in God's image and who will be in eternity as we will. Even if we disagree with some of their opinions we can learn. So just as Christ accepts us warts and all we to in the manner can be grateful and learn form the world, God's world around us.
He wisely comments on death, Its not the going that bothers him, it's the leaving!, yes Norman we understand!