Video from Blog & Mablog
There are many things that Pastor Wilson says that I agree with and many things that I don't agree with. There are no perfect pastors or Christians and we all get it wrong some of the time.
I understand the frustration that many Christians feel as they watch our nation fall apart. Many want to take things into their own hands! Yet I believe that many like Douglas Wilson are on the right track (most of the time).
As in all instances we must try to rightly divide the word of truth. Pastor Wilsons opinion may or may not be based on biblical truth. Below are two sermons one from his associate Pastor Toby Sumpter and another from Wilson.
Listen and see what you think and take away what wisdom you find....
Video from Christ Kirk
"The sermon is a standard one for traditional Christianity. Preaching on verses from the Old Testament book of Joel, Sumpter says that Christians should regard the coronavirus as a call to repentance. He says that Joel tells us that the greatest punishment of this plague is that God’s people are not allowed to gather for worship (Sumpter is preaching to a congregation watching by livestream). He’s not calling on Christians to defy the authorities, but is saying that God is sending us a message about the way we were living prior to the plague..."
Video from Christ Kirk
"This sermon has a lot more pepper than Sumpter’s, and is probably what triggered Google. Still, it is a standard message in traditional Christianity. Wilson’s basic argument is that the plague is a call to repentance — and he warns that we don’t want to acknowledge that. He points out that in the Exodus story, the plagues God sent against Egypt to compel Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go only hardened Pharaoh’s heart. Wilson says that all of us should be looking into our own hearts now, to root out the corruption we find there. And part of that corruption is idolatry....
“We need to stop having faith in the things we once thought were so secure,” Wilson says. “God is shaking everything so that we would have faith in Him.”
How is that not true? It’s certainly true — and all of us need to hear that.
So what probably got Wilson in trouble? In this sermon, he condemns, and condemns in strong language, abortion and gay marriage as sins that require repentance. Now, I wish he had listed sins that are more likely to be committed by people in Moscow, Idaho, and in the rest of Red America. God is no doubt angry over the widespread use of pornography in our country. Think of all the pridefulness, the selfishness, the hardness of heart towards our neighbor — all things that you find in Red America too. Think of all the disordered heterosexual lust. And the warmaking this country has fostered on innocent people. I don’t disagree with Wilson about abortion and homosexuality, and I am sure that he would agree with me about these other things, or most of these things, being sinful. I wish, though, that he would have called out us conservatives too. This is not a time for us to fall prey to self-righteousness..." from the article: Deplatforming Douglas Wilson