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Writer's pictureAndy McIlvain

When the World Believes the Lie - John Barnett

When the World Believes the Lie - John Barnett

"At the end of days, Satan empowers one man to win the world.

He offers to satisfy all of mankind’s desires for peace & safety. He becomes Satan’s substitute for Jesus Christ in the person of the antichrist.

Today, we are looking at how God describes the launch of this event. But why are we doing so? Because REVELATION shows us that GOD is in Charge.

Before we dive into God directing the ending of human history as we know it, you may be asking whether or not a study of eschatology has any real, personal applicability.

Revelation lessons are great, you may think, but I just lost my job, or my kids are getting bullied at school, or my parents just got so ill we have to care for them, or my daughter is dating a fellow that isn’t even saved and she seems to be turning away from us and the Lord; or any of thousands more personal struggles we collectively face.

As you listen today, you will note that God knows everything in advance. That means not just the seals of chapter 6, but also the job you lost this week, the health of your baby about to be born, and the outcome of next week’s surgery or job interview.

A study of Revelation confirms the DOCTRINE of God:

Nothing misses His sight. He knows ALL of history in advance.

God is not passive. Almighty God is at work guiding every event, every disaster, every gain or loss, and does so perfectly.

A study of Revelation also reminds us of the Doctrine of Redemption:

God redeemed us with Christ's blood. God just wants our undivided devotion. Almighty God wants us to listen to, follow, and love Him so much that we trust Him. The lesson He gives us today is that we should trust Him because He is preparing to send a: GLOBAL Deception.

Revelation 6 has already told us that God is launching a white horseman to rapidly fill the earth with a false and deceptive peace. In a very short time, almost all of the earth will follow this emissary of Satan in human flesh called the Antichrist. The saddest commentary on the fallen heart of humanity there could ever be, is that in following the Antichrist and rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, humanity is always making the wrong choices.

The antichrist like Satan—comes to kill, steal, and destroy. As the end of the physical world approaches, earth’s darkest spiritual hour also arrives. But God has a surprise planned in this dark hour. Look down with me at the words of Rev. 7:9. Since it is already written down, and he can read, Satan knows that God has plans to save: “a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands…” (Revelation 7:9).

God Plans to Save Many People During the Tribulation. Satan has seen God's Word. Satan knows God’s plan, so, trying to thwart God’s harvest of precious souls and to prevent the world from coming to Christ, Satan has deployed legions of liars. False signposts—all pointing people away from Christ. This is not new to our generation. False teachers have been a part of the landscape from the start. Christ, on the other hand, came to offer an abundant life. If you have never trusted Christ as your Savior, I would urge you to receive him today. God says that whoever calls upon the Name of the Lord, He will save. When you call upon Christ to save you from your sins, God delivers you from the power of darkness and their eternally damnable lies, and brings you into the wonderful kingdom of His Son." from the video introduction

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