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Writer's pictureAndy McIlvain

Winter Charm of Lasting Life, A Traditional Scottish Folk Song Performed by Zambra


An Andalusian dance; a Moorish festival; a town in Italy, a Spanish celebration; an ancient Hebrew song...a celebration of women's voices!

Video from Zambra

Winter Charm of Lasting Life, A Traditional Scottish Folk Song Performed by Zambra

"Winter Charm of Lasting Life is a traditional Scottish waulking song. This song would have been sung while newly woven wool cloth was “waulked” by women around a table. As they worked, the wet cloth would be pounded and passed from hand to hand. This process would make the wool fibers knit together to produce a tight, weather resistant fabric. Women would take turns to sing improvised verses as they worked a piece of cloth. The transcription of this song and its original verses can be found in Sam Henry’s book, "Songs of the People," titled simply, “Waulking Song.” Mr. Henry traveled around the countryside in Ireland for many years collecting Irish and Scottish folk songs which he transcribed and published. The song we now know as Winter Charm of Lasting Life is dated 1935 in his collection. It is remarkable that 90 years later, this song continues to touch hearts. We are grateful for Mr. Henry’s work, which preserved so many of these old songs for generations to come. Three of our Zambra singers learned this song decades ago at a live performance by Johnny Cunningham and Susan McKeown. The verses of this song, like many traditional songs, have evolved over time. Susan McKeown adapted some of the verses in Sam Henry's version with blessings from the Carmina Gadelica, a collection of old Scottish charms and prayers. The “children’s verse” in our recording was co-written by our singers, Laura Reeve and Kathleen Loveless. "Winter Charm of Lasting Life" is featured on our most recent album, Gathering In, which is available on our website. Visit us at: " from the video introduction

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